This page is dedicated to the Center For The Investigation of Membrane Excitability Diseases. Here you may browse through our projects, publications, and members to learn more about what we do! If you have questions please feel free to contact us!
Every movement, every thought, and every heartbeat is the response to electrical signals in our tissues. Defects in these electrical signals underlie multiple diseases, including cardiac arrhythmias, epilepsies and other neurological disorders, muscle disorders, as well as diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and kidney disorders, involving organs not typically thought of as being electrically excitable.
Reflecting increased awareness of the role of electrical excitability and the myriad of diseases now linked directly to derangements in membrane excitability, CIMED will pull together scientists from different disciplines with a fundamental interest in excitability diseases.
With the unified theme of the Center, CIMED investigators will be uniquely positioned to provide fundamental insights into membrane excitability disease mechanisms, and to the development of novel therapeutics.

Nichols, Colin G.
CIMED Director
Carl Cori Professor, Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology

Nerbonne, Jeanne M.
CIMED Co-Director
Alumni Endowed Professor of Molecular Biology and Pharmacology and Internal Medicine

Baron Chanda
Professor of Anesthesiology

Ziao Fu
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology & Physiology

Yuriy Kirichok
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics

Rajan Sah
Professor of Medicine,
Internal Medicine – Cardiovascular Division

Sun Joo Lee
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology & Physiology

Polina Lishko
Professor of Cell Biology & Physiology, BJC Investigator